Tuesday, December 14, 2010

5 teeth and others

in the past months, alan has learnt to do the following:

  • point at people and things with his index finger;
  • ask you to pay attention to him or pick up things for him with his index finger and making the "ah, ah, er, er" sound;
  • scream when he doesn't get what he wants, especially at his dad and parental grandma;
  • pretend to poo - sometimes he tries so hard to make it look real that a drop of poo would be squeezed out;
  • cover his face with a blanket to play hide and seek.
and right now he's growing his fifth teeth.

this afternoon, we're going to our 2nd early education class.  and we're getting a vaccination and our monthly health check, too.  alan didn't cry, didn't even blink his eyes during last vaccination, let's see if he can keep it up.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

retail therapy

i was feeling quite depressed, as i whined in my last post, so i decided to get some retail therapy yesterday.

i haven't shopped for ... i can't even remember how long.  i don't particularly enjoy walking from shop to shop, i get tired easily, and i don't like spending my hard-earned money either.  all in all, i'm not the typical girl who likes shopping.

but i needed to feel good.  i needed to do something for myself.  so i bought: 2 pairs of shoes (and got the 3rd pair for free), 1 set of pyjamas, 1 pair of pants, 1 pair of denim shorts, and 1 knitted cardigan.

the above is my first pair of shoes from united nude, which is called "helix lo".

and this is a pair of "block pump mid" in the light pink.

i wanted to get a pair of the "eamz pump", but they were all a bit too high, and not as practical if i was to run after alan in them (yes, i had this mind when choosing shoes).

and i got this third pair for free.  the shoes were not cheap, but well, let me forget about the price tag for once, please!

this is the cropped cardigan.  there're a few different ways to wear the collar and the knitted belt.  oh, the sleeves are full-length, but i just folded it when i wore it this morning because it was quite warm outside.

the pyjamas, pants and shorts are still eagerly awaiting for their turn to get some photo shoots.