Friday, January 14, 2011

what the hell

Brandy said she could not imagine how hard it was being knee deep in a culture that does have many people doing what I do.  She was wrong.  I wasn't "knee-deep".  This culture that considers stay-at-home moms worthless is all the way up to my eye brows.  I feel I may die any time.  But then, I have to survive, I have to live on.  My baby is so small.

My so-called "mother-in-law" labelled me a rat today.  Because I do not work, I do not earn an income.  According to her, all I do is sleep and eat - eating through her son's hard-earned money.  She said I was worthless, useless and all I ever contributed was birthed a son, which any women could do anyway.  She said that had I not met his son, who knew what "thing" I'd become.  She said I wasn't any good to his son.


  1. I'm sorry that your mother-in-law is so hard on you. You know that you are a talented and wonderful person, you know this, right? Who knows what place her comments came from--maybe she is frustrated with her own life, maybe she is jealous of you, maybe this is how she was treated by her mother-in-law, maybe something else. When a person takes such effort to try to make another feel bad, there is something wrong in their own heart. This is her problem, not yours--try to ignore all that meanness and do something nice for yourself today.

  2. Don't worry about what she say, as long as chew chew is supporting u, we are supporting u, u do whatever u think it's logically right.we have a gap with their generation. Marco

  3. I think you might be suffering from post-partum depression. Feelings about life and death are quite common, though you would benefit from seeing someone professional to help you resolve your issues, if not for yourself, but for your child (who can pick up and absorb those depressive vibes). Sessions with a pyschologist will help you to overcome underlying issues and allow you to develope into the person you want to become.

  4. Lucy, I've just been browsing your blog and came upon this post. It broke my heart! I have a very deep and secure knowledge that being a mother is the most important thing a woman can do while on the earth. In the world today it is mothers who need to raise their children when possible. I know that not every one is as lucky to be able to stay home with their child. It is a hard job with no pay and sometimes no recognition at at all. I have stayed home with all 4 of my children and I know they have benefitted greatly from it. I hope you can continue to be strong and enjoy your son and being a mother. They grow so quickly! Take care and I wish you the best!
